The serendipity in ill-timed fire alarms

Serendipity: the art of finding the usual, or pleasantly unexpected by chance or sagacity- Horace Walpole THAT is the quote that sits inside the side of my teacup. An arguably cliche word with definition and quote to inspire the reader as they sip from the cup. I would like to think that things like that wouldn’t…

One Step at a Time.

Last week, I started the Kayla Itsines BBG (bikini body guide) workout plan. If you’re not familiar with it, let me break it down for you: THE WORKOUT The BBG guide book is a 12 week plan which includes two circuit workouts for Monday, Wednesday and Friday where each day targets a different area of…

Today’s Tuesday Tip: Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Ignorance?

Thank you Dr. Alan Zimmerman for this week’s Tuesday tip….I definitely needed this today.   “A professional is a man who can do his job when he doesn’t feel like it.  An amateur is a man who can’t do his work when he does feel like it.” James Agate, British theatre critic  Your emotions may be…

Proof that one person can change the world for someone

“The feeling of being left behind is really discouraging, especially for kids. Dr. James Galloway of the University of Delaware has started a project to ensure children with disabilities that affect their mobility don’t have to experience that feeling. ” –Megan Kelley from This video brought a huge smile to my face. Enjoy 🙂

Thought Process of a Runner…when you don’t run that much

Hello! So, silly post for today but while poking around on the internet today I saw this: Inner Monologue On The Elliptical Copy and paste the link if you get the chance…it’s ridiculous but some of the things they mentioned I’ve thought to myself before. For one thing, I’ve been baffled way too many times…

15 Things That Emotionally Strong People Don’t Do

A big THANK YOU to Paul Hudson from Elite Daily for today’s Wednesday inspiration. It’s been one emotionally draining week… and I need to take a step back and reflect on these points and figure out how to work on this in my life. Enjoy, and have a great day     There is a…

How to Live Vicariously Through Yourself

THIS is Steve Kamb’s work….blogger/writer of Nerd Fitness Never met him, probably will never meet him (Well…who knows? Maybe I will one day)  but I really enjoyed reading this. Yet another page I needed to take out of someone else’s book to help me look at the world in a different way. Happy Tuesday inspiration…enjoy!…

Number One Cheese Chaser in the World….wait, what?!

Yep, you read that right. On May 26th 2013, the annual Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake took place in Britain. Now, I myself am a HUGE fan of cheese and I am slowly developing a relationship with physical fitness to the point where I could say that I do love running (well, maybe I…

Farewell to King Sized Candy

Farewell to King Sized Candy The sweets are getting skinnier. Yep, the word is out and the facts are true. Starting the end of this year, the chocolate company Mars is going to discontinue the “King-sized” option in their candy bar products. The intention is to help society take a step forward in “responsible snacking” …